Friday, December 4, 2015


There are only 27 days left until Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Unfortunately, it isn't like October - we won't see pink everywhere; there will be no sports teams wearing teal shoes & gloves. Yes, breast cancer is important. ALL cancers are important. But gynecologic cancers are still somewhat taboo. There is the stigma of sex. As a friend once said, her mother didn't want her to tell anyone that she had cervical cancer because it was "the bad girl's cancer."

It is past time to dispel those thoughts. We have a potentially fatal disease, and there is absolutely NO REASON that we should be made to feel less than because of it. None of us asked for it. None of us deserve it. January is our chance to talk, to educate people who are misinformed about cervical cancer.

In my opinion, talking about it is the best thing we can do. It breaks down walls, and shows other women that they are not immune to this disease. Encourage every woman you know to attend her well woman visits on time, every time. Too many of us put that off, for whatever reason, and when we finally went, it was too late.

Think about things you can do to impact women in your community. Contact the media. If you are dealing with cervical cancer, ask if they would be willing to do a story on your experience. Keep reaching out, and don't give up.

Husbands and partners play a role here too. They can encourage the women in their lives to have regular checkups. No woman enjoys having her feet up in the stirrups, butt scooted to the end of the table, a bright light shining on her vagina. But it makes it easier to have someone there holding her hand.

In January 2016, I'd like to hear a roar about cervical cancer. If each one of us makes the effort, our voices will be heard.

What can you do to make a difference?

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