Thursday, January 7, 2016

What Are the Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer?

Most warning signs of cervical cancer don’t present themselves until the cancer has become invasive. For women with early cervical cancer and pre-cancers, there usually are no symptoms. These are the most common symptoms of cervical cancer to look out for:
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding after sex (vaginal intercourse), bleeding after menopause, bleeding and spotting between periods, and having longer or heavier (menstrual) periods than usual. Bleeding after douching, or after a pelvic exam is a common symptom of cervical cancer but not pre-cancer.
  • An unusual discharge from the vagina − the discharge may contain some blood and may occur between your periods or after menopause. Discharge is milky colored, and has a foul odor
  • Pain during sex (vaginal intercourse). 

If you experience any of these symptoms, see your gynecologist immediately. The sooner cervical cancer is detected, the less invasive treatment is needed, and there is a much greater chance for survival.

Of course some women display no symptoms at all, which is it is CRITICAL reason why you need to keep up with you Pap smears.

More importantly, if you feel that something is wrong, see your doctor immediately. If your doctor brushes you off, seek a second opinion. You know your body better than anyone else, and don’t ever brush your feelings under the rug just because a doctor didn’t take your concerns seriously. Cancer is a matter of life and death, and you need to advocate for your own health.
No woman enjoys a visit to the gynecologist. But five minutes on the table can literally mean the difference between life and death. Your health is the most important gift you have.
I spent months bouncing from doctor to doctor before I found a gynecologist who took me seriously. And she literally saved my life. Keep pushing for answers until you get one that makes sense based on your symptoms. Don’t assume that a doctor is right just because he has a medical degree. Keep fighting for answers. This is your life, and there is nothing more precious than that.
xoxo Jennie

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